
A delicate balance.

The image presents the real shelter built by a homeless person, which resisted for several months in the area of the European Parliament in the spring and summer 2023.

This colourful and ingenious “pod” triggered a reflection about perception thresholds, visibility, invisibility, inclusion and marginalisation.

Different ways of life coexist as parallel worlds, observing each other while apparently ignoring each other. This pretended ignorance grants “invisibility”, while the bursting creativity draws attention and trespasses the threshold of an unspoken separation.

I took several pictures of the umbrella construction during its presence, admiring from a distance the skilfulness of its maker, voyeuristically documenting the external envelope of a private space set in the public-space.

I manipulated the image digitally adding a minimal estrangement in order to subliminally evoke the oneiric and poetical aspects of the represented reality.

The digital image participated in the online exhibition “Home” of the “Green Door Gallery”, Brussels, in November 2023.

The proceeds of the sale of A3 prints are donated to associations for homeless people.
